Information about natural gas measurement on bills for eastern Missouri customers


We’re changing the unit of measurement used to calculate natural gas bills. Natural gas bills will now be calculated using  Hundred (100) cubic feet, known as Ccf, instead of Therms.  Ccf is the measure of the amount of natural gas used.    

Meters already measure natural gas usage in Ccfs.  Prior to this change, we used the Ccf unit of measurement from your meter and applied a standard conversion factor, known as a BTU (British Thermal Unit), to convert your usage into Therms.  Now, we're simply using the Ccf unit to calculate bills.  This will make things simpler since we’re now communicating in the same “language” meters use.

There’s no impact to a natural gas bill, other than the new unit of measurement noted.  During the transition to the Ccf measurement, natural gas customers will see both the Therms and Ccf measurements on bills.  The Therms measurement shown is usage prior to the conversion.  The Ccf measurement shown is usage after the conversion.

Simply put, natural gas usage is being measured in the same way and calculated using Ccfs.  Customers can check monthly gas usage at any time by accessing our online self-service tools at My Account.  

What is a Ccf?  

  • Ccf is the abbreviation for the measurement of hundred cubic feet. It’s a unit of measurement used to measure the volume of gas.    1 Ccf = 100 cubic feet.