Commercial class changes in Missouri
Why was a review of my gas usage conducted?

Each October, your last twelve months of gas usage is reviewed. We are required by the Public Service Commission to conduct this annual review.  Your total gas usage for that time period sets your commercial service class for the following year. 

There are two commercial service classes. If you:

  • use less than 10,000 therms/CCF per year you are in the Small General Commercial Service class
  • use use more than 10,000 therms/CCF per year you are in the Large General Commercial Service class
Why did my service class changed?

Our review in October showed a change in your annual gas usage amount from the previous year. As a result, your commercial services class was changed to better reflect your new annual usage.

How can I determine my commercial service class?

Right below the mailing address on your bill is your gas usage recap for that month. Your current bill reflects your new commercial rate class and is noted in the chart. Below is a sample of both a Small General Commercial Service class usage chart as well as a Large General Commercial Service class chart for easy reference.

What caused my annual gas usage to change?

Numerous factors -- from weather to shifts in your business’ energy needs -- can contribute to a change in your annual gas usage.

To see your previous year’s gas usage, logon to
